# Quick Guide Setup

For those who can visually learn without the hassle of reading.

# Recommended Setup Steps
  1. Logging System
  2. Maintenance Mode Role
  3. Anti-Scam
  4. Anti-Doxx
  5. Lock Reason (Optional)

# Logging System Setup

To setup your logging channel, run the following command:

/setup log-channel

Proceed to follow the prompt in your text bar.

In order to use most locking commands, you must set up the logging system in order to enable these modules.

# Anti Scam Setup

To set up anti-scam, run the following commands:

/anti-scam config: Enable

/anti-scam punishment: Kick User / Ban User / Timeout User / None

# Anti Dox Setup

To setup anti-dox, run the following commands:

/anti-dox config: Enable

/anti-dox punishment: None / Kick User / Ban User / Timeout User

# Maintenance Mode Role Setup

When choosing a role for Lock Bot to use when enabling Maintenance Mode, use this command:

/setup lock-role role: @role

# Lock Reason Setup

When Kick Lock or Ban Lock is enabled and has kicked/banned people from the server, you can customize the message used to tell your members about the incident:

/setup lock-reason reason: [string]