# v4.0.5


Boy oh boy has it been a year. Whilst the Network Staff put up their feet and relaxed for a while, Lock Bot was still on it 24/7 looking after your server. We had a surge of people use our Anti Scam system and so many positive messages about it! We're thrilled that our new feature has worked for your server(s). Onto buisness, we've been behind the scenes working on a new and first Dashboard for Lock Bot to easily manage your server.

# Website Changes

# Dashboard Release

Well look at that, after countless amount of suggestions, we've gone and done it and made you a brand new dashboard to easily manage your server. We've worked hard to intergrate this new feature and we've got so much more rolled up our sleeves. Lock Bot's Dashboard is currently (as of making this) in it's alpha phase (initial release) so please expect to see some downtime here and there and a couple of bugs - that I think I've ironed out most of them.

If you're struggling to use our Dashboard check out https://docs.lockbot.dev/getting-started/#using-our-dashboard

We've got plans to change the 'Information' page to make it somemore...useful. If you've got a suggestion on what you'd like to see, reach out to me directly at miguel@lockbot.dev.

# Public Website

There hasn't been much change to our main website, https://lockbot.dev, I've fixed some styling errors here and there and spiced some things up. At last, did we fix our Stats API which displayed the Bot's statistics!!

I've created a new Recruitment page to apply for avaliable positions, come on, we're waiting for you!

# Documentation Changes

As you'll obviously be aware, Lock Bot Network has moved away from using GitBook to handle our Docs. Doesn't this look so much better?

In relation to the Dashboard, if you experience any issues, I added a Dashboard section here https://docs.lockbot.dev/troubleshooting/#dashboard that may be useful.

# Bot Changes

Since our last update, v4.0.4, Lock Bot hasn't changed a lot. I've fixed a couple of database related bugs and so so so many backend performance boosts! After starting to develop the Dashboard, this was the perfect opportunity to fix these infrequent slow response times, the bot dying 3 days; and it's done! Lock Bot is stable and capable enough to perform at it's best, without inbound data slowing us down.

In our next release, you'll start to see that we're focusing on new features, fixing our beloved Admin & Mod System and so much more.

# Anti Scam System

Back in September 2021, we added our Anti Scam System and we was blown away on how it performed, our servers loved the feature so much.

On the 14th of March, we was informed that our currently provider was shutting down their services within a month and instructed us to migrate elsewhere as soon as possible. As of this update, we've gone and moved to our lovely friends at SafeLink and now intergrating malware detections! Over due course, we'll be adding more features SafeLink has which will benefit your server as much as possible. As well as this, we'll be tweaking the log embed, how that's presented and make everything...simpler.

Below will show you the new changes you'll be able to notice: